
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sad Day

Yesterday we made the decision to put Issac to sleep. It totally sucked. We have had him since 96, when Mimi and Misty thought we should get a dog. Mimi wanted this blind hard of hearing dog, but they decided on the little red one that kept jumping really high and was an "escape artist". So Issac was brought into our lives. He was a consistent college roomate, running partner for Mimi, furniture sitter, kid lover,window barker and our first baby.
He has watched all of his Moms get married and have babies. He has played with all of our kids and has always been gentle. Alex especially loved Issac even though he shouldn't. Jack took it pretty well, since out of the three muts in this house Issac was his favorite. It sucks! There is just not a good way to put it. But he was in pain and it was not fair to make him suffer.

Jack and Issac

The boys at their table.
Sam practicing sitting! Yeah Sam!!!

Papa Bear breaking in the new triplet accessory.

1 comment:

  1. Oh,,, I am so sorry about Issac! I loved that dog too! I remember when Donnie and I use to "babysit him!" I totally feel your pain, because I remember just not too long ago in Aug. when I had to put Issac's friend, Mercedees down! It was the most awful thing ever! I felt like I was killing my kid! But, now with time, I feel better about my decision, that it was the right thing to do so she wasn't suffering anymore! BIG HUGS!!! LOVE YA!
